Sam rode from Austin to BHM with his lovely lady trailing behind in the whip. We grabbed some Thai food Thursday night, chilled at the house and woke up bright and early Friday morning. Nothing glorious about our trip up 65 other than we pushed these dyna’s about 95mph the whole way up there. This was the second annual Paradise Road Show in Nashville at The Dive Motel. Stef and I treated ourselves to a room this time and it did not disappoint! It was nice to have a place to crash right at the party and our room kinda turned into the get ready/chill out & party room so that was cool. The show is amazing, just nothing but great vibes hanging with friends from all over the country poolside while drinking and looking at amazing bikes. Adri, Chase & the crew that put on this show deserve a giant pat on the back because it has become by far one of my favorite events of the year. - Miah